Lyric discussion by matt.robinson1202 

Cover art for I Woke Up in a Strange Place lyrics by Jeff Buckley

I'm many years too late. But anyway, This song is about Jeffs first encounter with a very hard drug, and one of, if not the most literal lyrical pieces he ever wrote. It's likely the song is about smoking Crystal meth, referring to the ghost and the kissing of lips, it could be about heroin, as is Mojo Pin, anyone who knows anything about heroin (not Jeff Buckley fans, apart from me they're a very straight white middle class bunch) would relate to the chorus. "I woke up in a strange place, my mind a blur", place being a state of mind, not a physical location. Makes it all the more powerful knowing this of course, many of his close friends were actually shocked that he died drowning, because when they first heard he was missing, they assumed he had possibly overdosed.

Song Meaning