Lyric discussion by ggjjtt 

My interpretation is probably wrong but I always thought this song was about an attempt to escape societal pressures and expectations to start something for yourself.

"This city forged of scraps. Stand on the dead. On feces and sweat."

I took this to mean America which was built on the sweat and blood of African slaves.

And now you see a chance to escape and forge a meaningful life for yourself. So it takes great dedication, pain, anguish to get to a point where you can build something for yourself without subjugating others to do your will.

But as you arrive at this point, there is authority and organized government directing you back into your line. And those who are in charge have forgotten what it's like to want to build something for yourself.

So even if you think you've found a way out, you are just following a path that they've already cut and planned for you and you arrive right where they want you.

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