Lyric discussion by fili82 

In this song, Hozier is talking about loving someone who will never love you back as much as you love them. He meets this woman (presumably at a bar) and is just taken aback my her beauty and general awesomeness. As he begins to talk to her, he imagines a future for himself and that woman. He's in a bad state, probably an alcoholic and/or a drug addict. But she, she will save him. She will make him a better person. She will be his Isis (from the Ancient Egyptian myth of Isis and Osiris. After Isis' husband Osiris was cut into pieces and these pieces were sprayed across the land, she found them all and put them back together and resurrected him [although he did only come back as the god of the dead, but that's not important for this song] It's a beautiful metaphor for saving somebody from themselves.) He is sure that this woman will make him a good person again, and one day they will raise children together, and they will raise him in a way he idealizes, possible because he was raised that way or would've wished to be raised that way. But when he lights his cigarette and looks up again, she's gone. She just played with him a little, and went as quickly as she came. And he thinks " of the art for what's left of [him] and [their] little vignette, for whatever pour soul is coming next." He realizes she is, in a way, like a serial killer, but instead of killing, she breaks hearts, so a serial heart-breaker. And he already pities her next victim.

@fili82 Oh, that line's where people are getting art references in this song from. I was actually confused about that. That line... isn't actually correct in these lyrics though. (Wish my corrections would go through, but of course not.) The booklet says, "start digging up the yard for what's left of me in our little vignette" in that section -- it's just part of the Osiris bit. Essentially agree with you about everything else though, and you're so nicely concise!

@fili82 I agree but I don't see the part about loving someone who will never love you back as much as you love them. It would be awesome if you elaborated.

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