Lyric discussion by Browns0286 

At the beginning of the chorus, I think it's "forfeit to you for the moment" (instead of "tell").

The song strikes me as being about a past relationship that had been healing, but instead ended up regressing. "Time heals," but then the car goes off the road; you "release, you make peace," but then the past goodbyes catch up with you again.

The chorus sounds disappointed. "Swore this wasn't going to go bent," but then "more fits" (fits, as in, throwing a fit) end up happening. Being "at war with anything and anyone that you're with" expresses that sides have again hardened against each other.

Maybe I'm interpreting the song backwards and it's supposed to be more optimistic? Dunno. Any time post-February-2009 that they sing about a past conflict/damaged friendship, I have a feeling I know who they're singing about, but who knows...

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