Lyric discussion by Derf 

When I hear the song and read the lyrics, I'm not so sure there ever was a relationship. Kind of sounds like the singer had a crush on a woman that he had regular contact with (maybe they ran into each other quite a bit, lived in the same neighborhood, etc.). Over time he built up a relationship in his mind. At some point he worked up the nerve to ask her out and she said yes to be nice or to get rid of him. She really wasn't in to him and may have even been creeped out a bit. At that point he continues to stalk her.

@Derf I highly doubt it, "I went to the places that we always go"... WE

@ownz100635 I get what you are saying but I don't think they are going to those places together. That's what I mean when I said, "maybe they run into each other..." Either they just happen to run into each other at places (e.g. the bank, a deli on the corner, etc.) he builds those events up into them going to those places together. So in the song when he says, "I went to the places that we always go" he's referring to the bank, the deli, etc. I may be wrong but every time I hear the...

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