Lyric discussion by danieln7o 

so I am going to go out on a limb here.."They stood up for love, inspite of the hate" could be talking about the issue of un-accepted forms of love.. inter-racial marriage, for instance, as in the case that went before the Supreme Court in the 60's, brought by a inter-racial that wanted to have their marriage recognized legally, married couple actually named "Loving" could also be about the gay and lesbian movement to have our relationships also recognized legally in the eyes of the state. I don't think that is too much of an assumption, the guys are all about challenging ideas, and thinking deeper about issues..

@danieln7o Those who stood up for love down in spite of the hate in spite of the hate Speaks about forbidden love very clearly, also they stood up for their forbidden love.

Who put the flower in the barrel of that gun? Forbidden lovers who were killed.

We spend all of our lives goin' out of our minds. Why do we need to make an issue out of it ?

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