Lyric discussion by MjIlluminate 

There's two different explanations about Hailey from Leighton. In the interview with Jamie Pham the question "Who is Hailey? That name has appeared on both albums now." was replied with "Hailey is a girl that has plagued and supported me through some very hard times in my life."

In a separate interview with AP (Alternative Press) Leighton explains the song Hailey saying "This song was probably half way done when I brought it into the studio. For some reason, with most every song I do, I like to finish it "in the studio." I very rarely "finish" a song before actually tracking it. This song was inspired by a true story that I had while I was touring a few years back. I was in Ohio and fainted on stage during the first song of the set. I ended up puking blood backstage and all night, but tried to make it to Chicago for the show the next day. As I was walking to the van from the hotel, I blacked out onto the concrete. Long story short, they had to cut me open and stop internal bleeding. They were pretty sure they were not going to be able to keep me alive through it. (That was heavier than I thought it would sound.) Me and Matt [Malpass, producer] spent a little while making the beat for the chorus before I went in and put vocals on it. This first track was actually one of the last things I tracked for the entire record."

You hear the name Hailey in other songs like, "This is Twice Now" with the lyrics: "Baby just ask once more 'Cause I saw your door wide open, but the floor is still freezing. Hailey, I was sick and I'm still quite unwell. Tell me it's you or nothing at all."

Also in the song "Her & Haley" with the lyrics: "They will not be afraid, only two know how sad this gets the stage is set for them both, and on the bathroom floor, glass ready, there's no turning back now."

I understand that's not the same spelling [Haley, Hailey] but I do believe it's the same girl.
Leighton also writes a lot about December, and I believe it's a significant time for him. Their first album was named "This December, It's One More and I'm Free". Also in Hailey he writes "I hope you make it through December" which was directed towards Hailey.

When Leighton sings "And no one knows it, but she, she saved me" in Hospital, I also believe he's talking about Hailey. He may be talking about that time he went to the hospital to stop internal bleeding, described in the song Hailey.

He says Hailey has plagued and supported him. Obviously, plague is a negative term, meaning continually trouble/distress. And somehow supported him too, possibly a reason he wrote the lyrics "And no one knows it, but she, she saved

PLEASE feel free to share your thoughts on this :)

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