Lyric discussion by xenophon49 

to falling in love in secret with a friend, the daily agony of having that person within arm’s length but yet unable to reach out. Powerless to do anything but bite your lips every time you see the soft curvature of her lips, or drown in the ocean of her eyes.

In this song, the main character has, arguably, divulged his love to his closest friend. "Còmo quieres ser mi amiga Si por ti darìa la vida," but sadly rejected, and received the most dreaded response: we can still be friends.

"Si confundo tu sonrisa Por camelo si me miras." Confused her good deeds and gestures… her friendship, for love.

"Razòn y piel, difìcil mezcla, Agua y sed, serio problema." the problem of knowing that you must stay away and repress your feelings, and like odysseus, tie yourself to the mast, when you hear her voice, and the irresistible urges of touching her skin. the intense thirst to drink of her nectar and the moisture of her lips.

"Què hacer, tù lo sabes, Conservar la distancia, Renunciar a lo natural, Why dejar que el agua corra." the protagonist asks himself a question, of which he already knows the answer to: he must keep his distance, and quit the intense love that he already, and naturally, feels for his friend.

this song is one of my favorite songs, with deep and profound lyrics, to which many of us out there can relate to.

@xenophon49 This is an amazing insight to this song. Thank you!

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