Lyric discussion by takatsch 

What I haven't seen yet is the idea that Berninger is speaking directly to and about the band's fans in this song. The National's music has always been said to be emotionally sad and dark, and I would agree that on the surface it does seem that way. A lot of their lyrics are extremely introspective and infused with issues like regret, stress, and loss. But if you take your time with songs like Slow Show, Sorrow, Bloodbuzz Ohio, Graceless, etc. they start to grow on you in a different way. You start to hear a delicate balance between the issues these songs explore and an optimism that transforms each song into a stressful internal battle. The world isn't always perfect and there are certain realities that are hard to swallow and questions that are hard to ask. But why must we avoid them?

As a fan of this band I find comfort in its unusual optimism. I think Berninger may have sensed that his fans dwell too much on the negatives and have developed a cynical view of the world. This song is meant as a plea to share Berninger's odd perspective; to always find the silver lining.

When you focus too much on the negatives, you might end up putting your life on hold and eventually realize that you've lost your way. The first verse is Berninger asking his fans to break out of that trap. Even if it means taking drastic measures like moving somewhere else as someone else. If you're unhappy, then make a change. Once you make that change, now carefully consider what makes you happy. Don't be concerned with anything or anyone else around you. Figure out what type of cake you like best and eat it all.

The Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks are, of course, us fans. perfectlyadapable's comment on the meaning behind the word Vanderlyle fits with this idea because of its original inspiration: Nirvana's Pennyroyal tea. Both words imply a sort of fancy pretentiousness. In my experience those who have cynical perspectives tend to focus on the negatives and label other opinions as inferior (like a non-believing atheist vs. a religious person).

We cry over reality and spin any truth to confirm our sadness. Quite literally, the waters are rising because climate change is rapidly melting giant glaciers. Berninger knows that this information is exactly the kind of negative truth that his fans might be focusing on. There is no surprising his fans because no matter what he says, they'll find the negatives and cry about it.

Berninger tells his fans that he used to be like this. But now, all has been forgiven. He was able to get over his sadness and perhaps forgave himself for whatever made him unhappy. He is now able to see the swan swimming, an elegant symbol of balance and harmony. The swan represents an awareness of our deeper feelings and an acceptance of love and happiness (as their relationships are known to last a lifetime).

Now, he explains this to us, the geeks. We always have a choice. Whether we choose to wallow in self-pity or joyfully swing from chandeliers, the reality of the world remains the same. Whatever we find difficult to deal with, or hard to accept or question, we might as well try our best to overcome that difficulty and find the right balance of optimism. Berninger assures the cynic that they won't be selling out or conforming to false happiness, because even the best of us try to do so. Despite the scary and difficult realities we face, whether worldly or personal, we must string ourselves up like puppets and carefully keep our thoughts and emotions under control with the elegant and naturally human propensity for love.

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