Lyric discussion by pearjuice 

To me it seems to be a song about feeling terribly sorry about messing up a relationship. He looks back at the relationship, thinking it was wonderful. The life with his partner was "all that he adored", and that his partner's diaries told him nothing new testifies to the honesty in their relationship. However, then some problem came up, I imagine it to be a fight about something (the fire), and it destroyed their emotional bond, their ability to wholeheartedly trust and love eachother. This, to me, seems to be what got lost in the fire (fire).

Then loneliness came (which made him read his partner's old diaries, to feel close again) but it was already too late to restore their relation, so they ended up dividing their stuff (for which they made a list of all the things that they had). They were really separated now. Just like when they were born, they again had nothing - no love relationship. He feels terribly sorry about what got lost, and wonders if his partner understands that it will never again be the way it was: the two of them in a perfect relationship. And he realizes it is their own fault: maybe we started this fire / the future's in our hands and we will never be the same again...

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