Lyric discussion by suomynona 

My vague, inner movie experience of this…

[Movie curtains open]

Someone is a couch potato and lazy bones, maybe watching TV all day. The flickering screen flashing on his face in the dark, curtain drawn room, as he munches popcorn from a bag. Someone, a friend or such, challenges him to make an effort, get up! and give some effort! But he comes back halfway - tell me where and I will decide when - still a lazy bones, but there seems to be something in him that is willing, but still lazy. And somewhat independent minded.

But he goes, and he does. And as he goes, his laziness is still with him, though he is doing the work, it is ego work, he is working for compensation of some kind. He is successful, it seems some kind of luck was with him, rising above the clouds…but he is above the clouds with his ego - he still wants to rest on his laurels and let his luck carry the day…

But not so fast…as the attention he has garnered draws criticism and circumspection from those who sit in the high chairs - who is this fool? - and he realizes he needs to check himself, his motives, vapishness etc., and maybe turn around, of course, when he feels like it, though the pressure of saving face and stubbornly sticking to his faulty ground, duke it out, but in the face of mounting criticism, looks dangerous. Reluctantly, he turns around, head bent, and descends back down, facing all who’s eyes were upon him (the chanting crowd)…..[screen fades, sound fades]

A personal addendum:

And after the credits roll, for the few people still left in the theatre...the sound of a TV fades in and then on the screen - there his is again, dark room, flickering TV screen and a bag of popcorn. THE END

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