Lyric discussion by SNAPDUDE 

Cover art for Cowgirl In The Sand lyrics by Neil Young

This song for me has come full circle as an interesting but most likely another WAG but.. The song "Unknown Legend" maybe talking about the same women. "Now she's dressing two kids, lookin for that magic kiss. Somewhere on a desert highway, she rides a Harley Davidson." Where perhaps the most subtle of all the lyrics in Cowgirl are as one person was inquisitive enough to ask, 'What about the purple words part." This puzzled me until I was at a wedding and the bride had this song (oddly enough) played during the ceremony when this particular passage was deciphered (at least what I think). So "purple words on a gray background." I saw on the wedding invitation as those lyrics were being sung. It was the wedding invitation. This whole song is a huge rejection and breakup of a long-term relationship. Only Neil could confirm what I assume.. yes, I know the acronym and best guess. You had to be there. "Purple words on a gray background... to be a women and to be turned down... left at the altar. cheers SNAPDUDE

My Opinion

@SNAPDUDE This is good. You are right about the wedding invitation. Even if the meaning is vague, I now believe Neil was alluding to the invitation when he wrote that line. Thanks for it.