Lyric discussion by cnd4747 

Song meaning (as interpreted by me):

I think it's mainly about his early singing career

The angels are lost in the city of stars - In my opinion, the "city of stars" refers New York city's large population of movie stars. The "angles are lost" part refers to the loss of Christian values

The wise men are down on their knees- Refers to the wise men giving gifts to Jesus (wise men giving gifts to people)

And the Fruitman of Freeway will sell you his cars when he's sure that you can't find the keys- Honestly, I've got no clue

And the ladies on Magdalene Lane all worship the sun and the sand- The ladies on Magdalene Land worship worthless things, always there

And the migrants who come can't complain for this is their promised land- New York is famous for its immigration at Ellis Island. The rest is pretty obvious.

MGM studios can't make the nut, they're auctioning Dorothy's shoes- MGM auctioned Dorothy's famous Ruby Red Slippers at an auction. "Can't make the nut" comes from the term "covering one's nut," or to pay all expenses.

Gable is gone, the good witch is a slut, and I've got the parking-lot blues- Clark Gable was a famous silent actor, and made some movies with MGM for a little while. I am not sure about the "good witch" part, though I am assuming that it (might) have to do with Billie Burke taking on more revealing parts. Not sure about parking lot blues, either.

The wizard brought benzedrine smiles, and he never let Dorothy doze- Benzedrine was a drug taken as an inhalant, peaking in the late '40s, once it was manufactured in pills. Benzedrine was made to help keep people awake. It was also abused for similar reasons.

She died as she walked down the aisle and all that remains is her clothes- I have no clue

Over the rainbow a Kansas tornado can twist up a little girl's head- The tornado that picked up the house Dorothy was in

Aunt Em's on relief and the tin man's a thief, and even the wizard can't wake the dead- Clara Blandick played Aunt Em in the original Wizard of Oz. This may refer to her playing comedy relief roles. The main one found was in The Drums of Jeopardy. I'm also not sure what the Wizard can't wake the dead means.

The prophet has come to the kingdom of lights, but there's no one to listen or learn- More references to the Bible, a prophet has come to New York, but the state amount of atheism there keeps anyone from heeding his lessons. The prophet could be a musician, maybe even Erik Darling, who helped McLean get noticed.

And the savior performs for the prophet's delight, while dissenters are banished or burned- The savior could be Don McLean, who contacted some people about music solos early in his career.

And the heretics beg to be hear, but the savior's on tour for the week- The people who originally thought Don was bad want him again, but he's busy touring now.

Salvation is found in his word if only he'd learn how to speak!- McLane speaks the saving truth, if only he could sing better?

And Lincoln is laughing with Amos and Andy concerning the great Civil War- Amos and Andy were black comedians. The Civil War was fought over race. Their comedy radio broadcast also focused on post-Civil War America.

And Paul Revere sleeps with the worst-looking creeps, while revolution's knocking at his door- Paul Revere road shouting "the British are coming." Paul Revere and the Raiders was a band that started in the late '50s. Not sure about the worst looking creeps part.

Magdalene Lane is the red-light domain where everyone's soul is for sale- Magdalene Lane is a place with prostitutes, and everyone will give away their virginity for money

A piece of your heart will do for a start, you can send us the rest in the mail- Pretending he's one of the people who live on Magdalene Lane, saying you can pay with your heart.

For we have our own families to feed and we can't let them starve just for you- Saying people are becoming greedier

But we'd rather not watch while you bleed, so come back in an hour when you're through- Even though we don't want to help you, we don't want to watch you suffer.

It's just another city full of sorrow, it makes no difference why I came- New York's just a hopeless city that won't listen to him

I only know I'm leaving here tomorrow and only the motel man knows my name.- He's leaving New York as an unknown

@cnd4747 Sorry, not NY, but CA, since that's where McLean started his recording career. He was rejected 72 times before Mediarts took him

@cnd4747 You're kidding, right? New York? Let's take the two simplest, most obvious references. MGM Studios, Ladies worshiping the sun and the sand........what in the world do those have to do with New York? I only need leave it there - the more "deep" references I'll let you try and figure out. It amazes me how people can have something staring them right in the face and still not get it. It's proof that people "look without seeing", "hear without listening".

@cnd4747 That's about the most off-course interpretation of any song I've seen.

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