Lyric discussion by CarbonCranjk 

Yes, autobiographical but there is much more in the "sun is shining" verse.

He did what a lot of struggling performers do, he signed the first contract shoved in his face without understanding what it said.

He spent years getting out of that contract.

The new morning was the day he officially was free of his old contract. So, finally, he was able to get more of the money generated by the music he had written and could sign to a new label and record this song which made him uncomfortably famous.

All most performers really want is a reasonable amount of success and a long career. To give it a grade it would be like a C+ to a B.

But the music industry isn't like that. It's either Ds, D -s or Fs or A to A+++++

I know a guy who went through it and finally getting out of his RCA Wooden Nickle contract (yes, it was actually called Wooden Nickle) it gave the right to his own songs back to him to re-record if he wanted and reopened his options with other labels and publishers.

It was like Christmas, New Years, and Mardi Gras rolled up into one.

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