Lyric discussion by RG1989 

I think this song is about a teenage romance that went very wrong. One of them was very depressed and the other managed to pull them out of it to a degree and many years down the line, the rescuer takes their own life and they are singing to the one left behind.

"When you were young You lost on everyone Then you closed your eyes And said your goodbyes"

The person who committed suicide is talking about the other's desire to end it all when they were younger.

"In a year Or ten, I will be there I will come for you When you are on your own"

It's years later and suddenly they understand why the other person felt the way they did.

"On a chair In a room with no one else I will touch your hand And say I understand"

After he has taken his life he comes back in spirit to see her.

"What we lost Is equal to the cost Of my skin on yours And say you want it back"

They lost their innocence to each other (this is what makes me think it was a teenage romance) and now she is wishing it never happened because it hurts so much knowing he is gone.

"If you get time Come back and be mine If you pass by I will see you in the sky I hope that you’re told I was young, now I’m old If you pass by I will see you in the sky"

This is him saying that when she is asleep, she is free to come and visit him because he will be there waiting for her. And that if anything goes wrong and she passes away, he will know and look after her.

"Now in the dark, You’re a light without a spark In a car you drive back home To see your friends While you say That everytime you pay You were broke because Your love has got away"

This is about her trying to convince herself that she is alright and trying to cope with the aftermath of him committing suicide and her friends not necessarily understanding how she is feeling or how to broach the subject with her. As such, she withdraws from her friendship group by saying that she can't afford to go out but really she is trying to deal with her own feelings about his death.

"You’re the one That fires off your gun Then catches all the fire When you’re done Are you sure That you have won this war? ‘Cause I heard you say That this is our day"

This part is him questioning whether or not she has actually managed to win her war against depression. She says how happy she is when no one else seems to get that vibe from her.

"I’ll see you soon I’ll see you soon I’ll see you soon You know"

He is saying that life is incredibly short and that before she knows it, she would have lived hers and he will see her when she is old and will see her when her time comes because it will go incredibly quickly.

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