Lyric discussion by killersfan89 

One of my favorite Enya songs. When I was a child, my mom would put on the Enya CD "Shepherd Moons" to help my brother and I fall asleep. This song has a lot of meaning to me. I believe it is about growing up and questioning things we were taught as young children. The first verse:

"So the world goes round and round With all you ever knew They say the sky high above Is Caribbean blue"

Pretty much captures what we know (or think we know as children). Of course, our childhood knowledge is constructed entirely by those who teach us, and we accept these teachings because we are not yet old enough to question the things we are taught. It is not until the second verse, that we begin to hear the author question things for herself:

"If every man says all he can, If every man is true, Do I believe the sky above Is Caribbean blue?"

Assuming all men tell the truth, the author would be more willing to accept the things they say. But knowing that people do lie, the author asks herself "do I really believe these things to be true?" Finally we come to the last verse:

"If all you told was turned to gold, If all you dreamed were new, Imagine sky high above In Caribbean blue"

In this verse the author imagines a world in which everyone tells the truth, and where the truth is actually on par with the things she was taught as a child. Of course, our human knowledge will always fall short, as it is impossible for us to know everything about life, our world, and our universe. Finally realizing this, the writer comes to the conclusion that, in the end, all that is left is our imagination....

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