Lyric discussion by A2 

To me, this song is talking about facing the world without the meaning provided by the existence of God or some higher purpose. It has some parallels to "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Camus. He bases his essay around the absurd condition, which is that "much of our life is built on the hope for tomorrow yet tomorrow brings us closer to death and is the ultimate enemy; people live as if they didn't know about the certainty of death; once stripped of its common romanticisms, the world is a foreign, strange and inhuman place; true knowledge is impossible and rationality and science cannot explain the world"

The Fall described in the song is our journey through life. We are all headed for the end someday, but if we recognize and accept that, we don't have to live a nihilists. We are free to enjoy the things in life that CAN be enjoyed.

Here are some more specifics from the lyrics:

"Tremble beneath the weight of inevitability, and all the casualties therein." - Struggling with the realization that death is inevitable, not only for you but for everyone you know and experience.

"Cower in the shadow of the ever-present sun, witness eclipsing, eclipsing, eclipsed." - Again, Camus describes the world in which existence is not explained by a higher power. The vastness of the cold and indifferent universe is intimidating when living such a small existence.

"No ambiguous hypothesis to comprehend. No bruised and battered egos in descent's entire ethos. No magnificent creation myth. No wind to pad the story with." - Pretty straightforward.

"Fate is nothing but a nervous disease." - Google fate and you will get "the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power." It is a concept we, as humans, turn to because we are too afraid to face this world without some sense of purpose or meaning.

"So let it fall, fall. Even if it turns out to be futile, at least we couldn?t ask for a sky so clear or a day more beautiful." - I think, the most important lines in the song. The message from the black box that the song describes is "The fall is all there truly ever is." It tells us the only truth that we need to know about the world. We are all headed to the same place. But it doesn't matter, because there is beauty in the world, things that we can appreciate and enjoy on the way down.

@A2 How has no one upvoted this? Good analysis, I like to think of this song in this sense as well as the Flight 93 reference that Zhicagoz mentions

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