Lyric discussion by eddobson0523 

You all read too deeply into the song! The author aid in an interview he wrote the entire song, including the music, in less than 45 minutes while waiting for his lunch. With that said, here we go... "This is how I show my love" ready? Through music " I made it in my mind because" he thought up the entire song and music, if it's not talent, then go ahead and "blame it on my ADD" "this is how an angel cries" note: cries not dies. He compares music/song to angels cries or laughter or any other emotion but cries happens to rhyme with the next line so he used it. "Blame it on my own sick pride" yes, he's simply apologizing in a way for comparing his music to angels "blame it on my ADD, baby" easier than sick pride. All the rest is the same, highs and lows "maybe I should cry for help, maybe I should kill myself" "maybe I'm a different breed, maybe I'm not listening" he's just constantly thinking about stuff and could just keep on going so he conveys that "la la la la la, la la la la la " His thoughts drift wherever from one to the other as if like a sail boat blown in the wind .... "Sail" thanks for reading! If I came across snippy......"blame it on my ADD"I

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