Lyric discussion by maddpsyintyst 

People die, are displaced, or live as refugees every day in this world, because of war and its motives. Those who do the killing, displacing, and marginalizing often learn to enjoy their work. I think this and the C93 song are specifically about such evil intentions and workings.

When the backing vocals harmonize on the line, "falling back," there is a sense of desperation and tragedy that comes through. It's easy to imagine myself being the one who is falling back, looking upon the fields of rapeseed--a common crop throughout the world but especially in Europe, the number one world producer according to what I've read--and realizing that they are going to be the last thing I ever see. The irony would be that they are likely to be MY crops, brought forth to life from nothing through my toil and for my prosperity, and now taken from me by force.

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