Lyric discussion by protesthesystem 

Its a toss up bt something political or something about the music industry and bands breaking up. Political: Whatever hes singing about he is saying its hopeless, that our fate is an inevitable downfall. But also holding out for that brief glimpse of light and asking in the first verse is there no chance for redemption or is it truly all downhill from here. Then whoever political hes referring to saying is it too naive for them to join the bandwagon especially when ur nothing like u were originally. Second verse hes asking again r we really screwed or is the truth hidden and are those facts even reliable or "a masquerade". They (political ppl) move fwd (with their laws) with no regard to their own fate bc they dont have time to think about mistakes. They always will mess up except for that random shot in the dark. Even then they dont care. Musical: is for the other interpretation except politicians r musicians and laws r their decision to break up and hes saying the same thing. Every musician is gonna suffer the same fate.

The chorus both ways is saying we're all victims of fate

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