Lyric discussion by ricachica 

This song is beautiful, it reminds me of a friend, but I'm sure the song is about chasing your dreams and love for something - whether its a person or a goal in life.

The 'hope' represents what the person has or has been holding on to and the thought of loosing that 'hope' scares him because he's not sure what will become of himself if the one thing he ever followed/held on to/ or chased after is gone, no longer there.

I think of this song in terms of a love so powerful between two people, but for some reason, despite them being soul mates, it was never able to work out (them finally being able to be together). but no matter where he went he had her as his 'hope', the thought of her kept him going, kept him striving and chasing, knowing that one day their time together would finally come. But then he comes to find out that she's getting married (she has a new 'hope') therefore she gets to continue on with hope in her life, she gets to hold on and he has to let go of his hope because now its gone. And now he's lost and is no longer sure who he is... what will he fight for anymore in his life if the one thing, the one thought he held on to is now gone?

this is such a sad and beautiful song to me, thought i'd share the feeling and imagery I get when I hear this song. -See you in another life, this one was not ours for the taking.

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