Lyric discussion by Ron34 

I think that she's thinking of a temptation or memory or person that has come back to haunt her with its sweet taste and saying that god would never be that cruel to make her live without the persons face but now that she has made this person crawl or leave her it's almost as if they are happy only to see her fall back again into temptation " like poison apples from a tree" something that she cannot have but wants. She's rejoicing singing "hallelujah" but saying "I gave you away so easily it makes me wonder why" doubting why she may have given the temptation away so quickly. "Moving through you every night the lovely girls in dresses tight the angels dancing on a pin the people we are downing in like a needle going in into the shining city skin oh I recall the moment when you ruined me for other men." This means the man or person moves through her metaphorically speaking through every attractive woman that he sees however she recalls when he left her and ruined her relations with other men. Reminding him if she dies before he does she will come back to haunt him and give into her desire "drown you in a kiss so deep."

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