Lyric discussion by Ondinechan 

It isn't what she WAS saying so much as what she couldn't bring herself to say. At least while her parents are still alive to hear her sing. In the video I saw it from the start. Her mother comforted her as loud noises and people probably scared her, and the mother protected her as best she could by "holding" her. How anyone couldn't see the odd choice of words afterward is likely because no one 'wants' to think that. Her father "liked" her?? Cherished, or doted on, would describe a loving father. But being a habitual drunk tends to blind men and they don't "see straight" but often incur ire from the wife for spending their rent/food money, and the man regresses and seeks "comfort" from the obedient, meek little girl so readily available. Then as she probably faces the same "out there" but she "liked" it with cute boys, drinking, and "we didn't give a damn" because life was so tenuous they lived for the moment and to hell with the consequenses but it beat having to deal with being the corner of a sick "love" triangle. Not like the clergy would be able and willing to help."When we were young, we saw life as fun, and 'take' it if we can.."No video games, cell phones, cable tv, or maybe no tv, and unsafe to play outside without parks, malls, or other teen hangouts plus needing food and simply to survive "out there" wasn't really a FUN adventure but it was all they knew. Impoverished, very pretty, and growing up in a culture which has endured centuries of harmful superstitions, political upheaval, extreme violence and practically inbred hatred between two equally oppressive religions. " Death was as normal an occurence as any for children. Most likely raped by soldiers as is common she may have decided to at least use her "assets" to make life more bearable. Did anyone care? The million dollar question. Was there anyone who truly cared for her and about what was happening in her life? Who was there for her to talk to, or seek comfort from when her own mom couldn't find her at all? Ashamed, scared, and possibly pregnant at some point.. I'm simply astounded by these incredibly naive, overly optimistic interpretations. What I described is most common just about everywhere in modern society these days. All thanks to the digital media constantly enticing men, and boys in puberty, to lust after and fantasize about half naked women. Thus making them unfaithful over and over till the point shame fades and true debauchery sets in. Women do not become easily aroused by seeing half naked males so no it's not the same for each gender and females suffer for this greatly! One can tell from her poignant words, and deep emotion in her tone that she wants to know how her family felt about her, and what they thought about it all if they knew..Also why did they let it happen in the first place!!

@Ondinechan I completely agree, why would someone write such a sad song for a fairytale childhood?

@Ondinechan I completely agree, why would someone write such a sad song for a fairytale childhood? Plus, the words 'does anyone care' is a cry for help. No wonder there are so many troubled and abused people around if words like this cannot - or will not - be heard.

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