Lyric discussion by Nashington 

Wow first comment on here, though this song would have tons of traffic! Anyway...

My opinion, the meaning is in the title, 'no-one's perfect'. The truth be told, no one is perfect, we all have positives and negatives about ourselves. I think the message Kelly is trying to get across is a lot more deeper. Sometimes people live day to day alone, with no partner and they blame themselves. They usually blame their looks or visibly noticeable things like weight. We shouldn't because out there, somewhere, their is someone just like you, who understands what you go through, being alone. All's it takes is to get out there and try your best to find someone, no matter how many times you've been hurt, just get back up and show the others that they have not effected you! It's gonna be hard because as Kelly says 'all roads lead back to me' which means we normally cannot take our minds of this one person, but we'll soon see that 'nothing lasts forever' and who you thought was perfect was not... No-one's perfect, what a melody.

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