Lyric discussion by JacquesKoning 

'Eighty six' refers to a loose term used sometimes in restaurants meaning 'to remove an item off the menu'. It likely has it origins to the Article 86 New York Liquor Code of the 40's wherein circumstances were described when alcohol was not to be served to a customer. This song deals with the ending of a complicated love affair. 86 Charlie removed himself as an available option on her love 'menu' likely due to it being a type of love triangle or extra-marrital affair. They both have had this discussion with each other before and knew the moment was inevitable when the relationship was finally going to be ended. She's not really angry or hurted. Nor is she disappointed. She is just depressed that she may never again refer to him again as her lover - He's not available to her anymore.

This is a cover of a song originally sung by a man. Slightly changes your interpretation.

The song was originally by a man and is nothing to do with love and everything to do with a close friend who is removed from somebody's life because he keeps making poor choices for himself. I believe I read somewhere that it was about a friend who kept asking for money, likely to pay off gambling debts or something of that sort.


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