Lyric discussion by username111111 

Once upon a time back in 2007/008? when mgmt came out with oracular spectacular I was going through this really um... horrible period in my life and was sleeping constantly. Day and night. For days in a row and I really only woke up to listen to music in a trance/daze. But I listened to that cd a lot. Well later I was watching interviews of mgmt. and heard the singer refer to dreams about "those big old swamp houses down south" or something of the sort... Like marsh houses? Anyway when I was in aforementioned "period" I had these dreams- about my old house in Florida except it was big and really swampy and I got really nostalgic about it. Sad... etc. I even told my roommate... basically very sad I couldn't go back. But those dreams were so powerful so when the lead singer said "big house/south/swamp" etc in the interview the coincidence seemed... shocking? But anyway I just had to share that since I got voted down. I thought maybe the dreams were connected. Thank goodness this is anonymous. Hahaha

Oh yes and to further relate... I think science is... well as person described it: can be used for good or evil but I think it's kind of evil (have you seen the movie ET? where they release the frogs?) anyway... Here's to world peace, clean consciousness and sweet dreams. (Miss my clean conscious)

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