Lyric discussion by Fiftyfifth 

Absolutely beautiful song. Sublime. Timeless. I've also added correct lyrics.

The overall message in this I believe is don't question yourself, believe in who you are, and go with your instincts. Here are my thoughts, I will use a bird as the first person as it ties in nicely with the lyrics.

Little bird Have you got a key? Unlock the lock Inside of me Where will you go To keep yourself afloat?

Feeling old Until the wing Unfolded Caught me a long wind Where will we go To keep ourselves afloat?

Para-1 The opening scene to this story begins with an insecure bird, feeling trapped and unsure of herself and the world. She meets a little bird and asks them if they are able to help set her free. Assume the lock is unlocked the moment she has asked for it to be. Simply being freed does not make her free at all, she is still insecure and seeks a role model in the little bird; she wants to know their path in life, how they can survive.

Para-2 Being trapped in her own cage so long, the bird feels as though she has let life escape her, until she dared to spread her wing and catch the wind. The direction of the wind is unpredictable, and the use of her wings to go in an undetermined direction represents her doing new things she has never done before. Still, the bird remains unsure of herself and so she stays by the little bird's side and looks to them for the guidance, or perhaps reassurance. "Where will we go..."

I caught a long wind A long life wind

Hook The wind breathed life into her existence - it gave her life. The wind in my opinion represents instinct and impulse; to go with your heart, something that requires courage, confidence and self-assertiveness - something the bird was missing. So from the end of Para-2 to the Hook the story unfolds that she has gained these things; she has found "herself". If we gather these are the things the little bird has taught the bird, we can assume, then, that its disappearance from the story is because it has followed its own path once more, with the knowledge the bird will be ok.

I got to know the sky But it didn't know me I got to see the land And land on top of the sea And be the bird and be the key And the current tells What the wave withheld And the lightning sang Of where the light would land Where will you go To keep yourself afloat?

I caught a long wind A long life wind

Para-3 + Hook And so the bird goes out with a sense of reassurement and experiences everything she can. The saying "the sky's the limit" comes to mind; she dared to dream, and dared to pursue her dreams and in so doing "got to know the sky". She saw the land - and land on top of the sea; demonstrates she travelled far and wide, even to small pieces of land in the middle of the sea. She got to be "the [little] bird" and be "the key"; she was able to free others from their little cages and set them free, and show them what it is to live!

A wave is a repetitive motion, with no place to go, its routine - her previous life - yet now she goes with the current, which has a known path and a set direction. The symbolism in the lightening I believe represents the bird having become a powerful and instinctual force in herself, and she determines where the light will land. I believe the crossover between the metaphor of a bird to elements (lightening) is to demonstrate a level of respect. We can all be liked, but there are some people in life who we unhesitantly show deep respect for, much the way we do for the powerful elements in the world. It's a metaphor to demonstrate how much she's grown.

Yet still the bird returns to those small questions of insecurity we can all face in life. This time, however, she knows the answer and so takes flight once more and follows her heart and her instincts and navigates the wind.

Like a swallow A night owl A little chickadee Sad sparrow Good morning bird Good nightingale I took a deep breath And caught a long wind

The bird ends her story in a beautiful way, by telling that her existence is no different to anyone elses, all birds/people are the same, we are all capable. How? "[Take] a deep breath", trust your instincts, follow your heart, and pursue your dreams, go wherever the wind takes you.

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