Lyric discussion by jmillz080 

I think its about being in a band and how it is so tempting to quit and go to school/get a job, ect, playing it safe since life on the road and with a band can be very stressful and difficult. the plane falling from the sky or the ship sinking is a metaphor for PTH itself, and i think alot of the lyrics have to do with Moe leaving the band and the inner struggle that rody is dealing with concerning the band. lyrics that support my theory: "Is it entirely a flightless fall? no deceptive currents, no rise at all? maybe it’s too naive to not jump ship when deviating so drastically from the initial script"

"Tremble beneath the weight of inevitability, and all the casualties therein. Cower in the shadow of the ever-present sun, witness eclipsing."

"Heart in the right place, just missing the mark Feigning exception is a shot in the dark With no remorse and no regret, is anybody listening yet?"

but then rody realizes that he is doing what makes him happy and he will see it to the end, no matter the consequences.

"The wreckage was never found but the black box was recovered. The message therein profound. In our final moments our true names are all discovered.

So let it fall. Even if it turns out to be futile, at least we couldn’t ask for a sky so clear or a day more beautiful. They’ll never find the wreckage, transcending all human languages. Just a promise and a final message: the descent is all there truly ever is"

Officially my favorite song so far =]

I agree, thanks for laying it out so clearly

I think I've said each and every song on the album was my favorite at one point.

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