Lyric discussion by smskorn 

I think the relationship ending based upon the unwillingness of the girl (or other party if you want to take the gender out of the artist) is obvious, but the use of November is the key to this track's brilliance. If anyone knows Frank Sinatra, he did a song called "A Very Good Year", that represented a person's life. Spring was the beginning, when everything in life was fresh and new and exciting, Summer was the prime of life, Autumn was the portion of life of reflecting fondly and still living, and Winter was the end. I think of November Blue as representative of a relationship in this same way. November is the next to last month of the year and is typically bitterly cold and the epitomy of a "glance at a harsh winter to come." November Blue is a sad song that encompasses the true beginning of the end. The"what ifs" are pouring in, the "coulda, woulda, shoulda's are all you can think about, and while you dream about that alternate reality, you know that a cold long winter is waiting. The end is upon you, and all you can do is contemplate why it is ending and what you might have done differently. The genius of it all, and also the saddest part, is the realization of the answer coming at too late of an hour to fix the problem. November Blue is a modern day Greek tragedy.

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