Lyric discussion by mylastnameishorrificallyaccurate 

'we'll live as slaves of love; what god takes away, let's refill all the holes with mud.' i think pretty much it means is that following religion, or some sort of defined system, isn't really how one should love or treat people. religion doesn't define any sort of real morality. some of the most religious people i've ever met are some of the most judgmental people i've ever met, with strict rules on what's proper and what's not. (the damage revealed the cost and it wasn't worth it.) natural human morality vs. following what god (we believe in something invisible) tells you to do.

'the world is a dream and nothing is worth it unless you have a god.' it's kind of sarcastic and bitter. and then it breaks into, in a...happier, maybe?, tone, 'but we won't be saved...' circa survive has a lot of moral-type questions if you listen. 'optimistic daring me, would you trade your soul for gold?' how far are you willing to go to get what you want? an you keep trying or just give up?

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