Lyric discussion by Tutulux 

I think it's pritty simple. I'm not sure if the subject was once a believer or not, but the thing that is clear is that he/she is not now. He/she feels betrayed, "beated down". He/she doesn't believe in christianity anymore and he/she has realised about the "truth".

The catholic leaders keep making you believe in their "God" and implying rules on you, when they've been the ones involved in many wars, racism and all that shit. But, you know, "mind your manners", it's all they're saying. Here's the ironic expression of the song, I would say.

Now that the subject realises that the religion that has trusted on no longer could be true, he/she realises that the life after death is uncertain, that can happen anything.

That's just the principal idea for me.

P.S: English is not my principal lenguage. Sorry if I don't explain myself as efficiently as I should.

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