Lyric discussion by MUTANT 

My own interpretation of this song involves a man who recently lost his wife, and is having problems coping. "When I come home, when I come home. Oh I hear you washing in the shower." "Mirages of you, mirages of you. Even steam pouring through the crack at the floor" suggests he's become so used to coming home to his wife showering that he begins to hear and see her showering still when he returns home. "I won't lose it" Suggests he has a history of breaking out into emotional fits from his major loss, and that he tries to stay strong when he does see her, and when he talks to her. "I've been going out, and trying to stay fit. Well I met someone who wears your glasses. She kissed me on my new futon. Oh I'm clumsy cause she finds me attractive" This would be him telling his dead wife about a new woman he met, telling her this new girl reminds him of her, and that despite moving on, he still thinks of her. The 'going out and staying fit' part would suggest he's just now starting to get out of the house more often, as it's more than likely he stayed home as often as he could after his wife's death. My final piece of evidence would be the title and chorus, it's self. "I can lift a car up all by myself" would be him trying to say he's being strong through this tough time, the 'all by myself' part would further suggest that he is, in fact, alone, and without a wife.

Thank you and goodnight.

I actually really like this interpretation!

@MUTANT I like this too, but I think it's more likely a breakup due to circumstance (She moves to Chicago.) than an actual death.

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