Lyric discussion by sieda666 

The song is full of beautiful imagery and mythological references. The names of various deities seem to be used in the stead of a common noun, such as Aurora, or Sol, in place of "the sun".

I believe if taken at face value the song literally describes a sunrise, and/or sunset. "emerald fire scars the night sky " - The sun creeping over the horizon, its rays piercing the surrounding dark... etc.

But in a deeper way, using the gods in the place of other language, it suggests that the old gods do in fact exist, not necessarily in a literal, incarnate sense... but in those rays of light, in the very beauty of the simple, natural progression of the sunrise. So hence you have the more upbeat "feeling" of the song, it's not a sombre reflection of nature or the wilderness, it's more of a celebration of the divine existing in a larger sense all around us.

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