Lyric discussion by bkabbott 

This song is basically about disillusionment, homesickness. You could say that homesick is metaphorical. It provides a context for what the song is expressing and that is kind of irrelevant.

My favorite line is as follows

No one gives a damn about the things I give a damn about. The liberties that we can't do without seem to disappear like ghosts in the air. When we don't even care, it truly vanishes away.

I was on facebook and there was a USA today post about Dr. fucking Phil.

America was founded on civil liberties and limited government. Those who call themselves liberals today have strayed from liberties. Limiting government to ensure liberty is a concept so many people are unfamiliar with or will argue against it is astonishing.

Modern day liberals are unaware of their history. Modern day conservatives are unaware of their history.

The last time we had a party that favored big government (Federalists) they fizzled out.

People used to care about liberties. Nobody gives a fuck.

The pendulum will probably swing back but not because the citizenry cares about liberties. If it doesn't they may never open a history book and appreciate what was created. That is quite unfortunate.

My incoherent rant is over.

@bkabbott I'm just curious. After 4 terrible years with cheap, dishonest, ignorant, draft-dodging scumbag in the White House, does your comment still resonate with you? You contemporary dimestore republicans seem to think you're all the defenders of Liberty, yet you froth for the blood of anyone who disagrees with you. And is usual, your rant is incoherent and uninformed. Btw, I'm sure you're unaware that Mr Isbell strongly identifies as a liberal.

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