Lyric discussion by micadharlon 

I sometimes thing that Michael is perhaps expressing a dialogue of sorts, rather than a monologue. I believe that someone is judging him and perhaps a chemical addiction of some sort that has been tormenting him. The person is telling him, condescendingly all the things that he could have had if he would lead a normal life in Georgia. Perhaps this person is his father or someone fatherlike. The hotline and the want ads seem to indicate that they are expressing some kind of help for an addiction of some sort. The maddening loop of film is where the person that JUST CAN'T HEAR MICHAEL, hears but REFUSES TO REALLY listen and really try to understand and LOVE Michael where he is at, not where the judger wants Michael to be at. So the judger, the critic is more interested in coming at Michael with a bone to pick, with a pre-positioned (POSITIONS) set of arguments and attacking points, but is more interested in criticizing and posturing their morals toward him, rather than trying to love him where he is at and sympathizing with him. What he needs is the drug. BUT what he WANTS even more is the critic's LOVE. But the Country Feedback that Michael is getting is like a paperweight, a junk garage, winter rain, useless, useless, useless. A honey pot? hmmm. Perhaps somewhat pretentious and not needful. The honey came in a jar. The pot is a secondary vessel used outer change of the original design of the honey container. Is this critic of Michael always so hardheaded that Michael came to the conclusion that to even approach this person from whom Michael desires and NEEDS love and understanding from, will only lead to a repeat, a repeat, an ever looping repeating film of ears that will not hear, and a heart that will not love, but only judge. Or maybe it's just me.

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