Lyric discussion by RyanWolfeh 

"Free thinkers are dangerous" - The motto for a totalitarian state, in which children are 'mentally molested' for the state's ideals. If you've seen or read 1984 you'll understand this song more in the sense of totalitarian and opression, which is what these lyrics CAN relate to.

"Gonna let you mother fuckers die" - The state cares little for its civilians, and would rather eradicate those who are disloyal than reward those who are loyal.

"Look at eachother" - A reflection on how people can lose their humanity by being isolated from social contact. Social contact is being limited in a totalitarian state since it encourages self-thought, something that cannot be permitted in such a society. Looking at eachother is the one social principle that keeps us from turning into monster.

"Lives rearranged and lives in my range" - The state is able to influence its citizens from birth, being born into a state ideal makes them more loyal, brainless and unthinking, until the point they will no longer be able to rebel against the government.

Even in today's society of the western world free thinkers are a danger to the status quo. We know System of a Down is very anti-government, especially in their first album and demo tapes, so explaining it from an anti-government point of view reflects on most of the lyrics.

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