Lyric discussion by BiteMyBox 

I remember for the longest time i thought the song said "I got my fathers sense/And my dick from his pants.". As in he inherit's his life from his Father and it makes him feel empowered with responsibility.

"Big brother pants." works just well i guess, but i still like my original misinterpretation!

As for an overall interpretation, it's a song about growing up and realizing that we never really grow up. In the end you're small as a child and small as an adult, infantile and meaningless you remain, no matter what, so in the end you just decide to enjoy your life however you can ["Playing in the sand", etc.].

You're Interpretation: I definitely agree, that's what this song is about.

You're Misinterpretation: "I got my father's sense Any my dick from his pants"...... Thank god this is not what he says...

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