Lyric discussion by MusicSaveASoul 

Cover art for Keep Your Head Up lyrics by Ben Howard

Verse1 "I spent my time watching the spaces that have grown between us" 'Spent'.. note this line is in the past I think this implies how the narrator had watched the relationship crumble as they grew apart. "And I cut my mind on second best or the scars that come with the greenness" Green.. Envy? Now moving into the present (I think) .. where he is now suffering under the thoughts of jealousy due to another person (prahaps) having his lover, and then 'second best'. Maybe this is because he know's no-one will compare to her/him.. (rumours that BH is Gay..). 'the darkness' The place he's been (mentally) since the termination of his relationship. "And I gave my eyes to the boredom, Still the seabed wouldn't let me in. And I try my best to embrace the darkness In which I swim." Maybe this is when he seeks comfort in the sea/beach/surfing but even this couldn;t cure his bordem/longing.

I think..

My Interpretation