Lyric discussion by bunglebee 

a great site thank you. Pondered the meaning of this ditty many times before coming across this site. The music is so profound and at odds, apparently, with the lyric content that I had to try to better understand the song. You don't just put such nonsense with music of this caliber. Didn't get too far with my musings. The choice of animal must be the key, the bull and bear are both symbols of wall street, the snake and pig (animal farm?) also relates to commerce, the goat - anyone? all of them are used by man, the sheep and the cow domesticated....this is where I got stuck, for me too many of the comments don't take into account how the music sounds, what it makes you feel, it certainly doesn't make me feel like I'm back in kindy what kind of kindergarten did some of you guys go to?

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