Lyric discussion by reea11 

Everyone sees it in their own way... For me, this is about a guy who's attracted to someone he can't have. He's been with her once or twice but is unsure that she wants him as much as he wants her. He's wondering if her "heart's still open" - none of them are ready to get too involved, yet he's considering it, while unsure that she would allow him to. The chemistry between them is there, yet she's not showing any signs of emotional involvement, even though he's been "hoping that she'd stay". Maybe she's with somebody else, or he's the one who is already in a relationship. Whatever has been in the past was meant to be just a passing, physical thing, a way to release the tension... yet for him, it wasn't enough. He never stopped wanting to see more of her. The uncertainty that she may or may not feel "the same as he does" is killing him.

I think you hit it perfectly! It's funny I'm actually going through this exact situation myself

and that girl is full of surprises when it says "How many secrets can you keep? "

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