Lyric discussion by Garty 

This song is basically about her relationship with Tony and her relationship with Gavin. When she asks "Is it wrong, holding on too much? My best friend my fated lover... Who Knows." Her best friend is Tony and her 'fated' lover is Gavin she is torn between the two, because she fears that it may not be healthy that she still hangs around her ex while she's with someone else, hence she asks Gavin "Is it healthy that we met?". Also the 'she' is probably refering to either one of Gavin ex-girlfriend (perhaps the one whom he had a child with and never told Gwen or someone else) or either Tony's wife (highly doubtable). Anyway, we know this is the same person gwen talks about from Magic's in the Make up 'the ones I loathe are the ones that know me the best" hence "she'd ask if I was all weird again, and of course I am, but I was trying really hard so I lied to her.'' This girl can see past Gwen's colors, and it is obvious there is some form of hostility between them.

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