Lyric discussion by RCsing791 

I definitely think this is a song about self conflict with a combination of relationships and friendships changing.

"Since my heart is golden I've got sense to hold in Tempted just to make an ugly scene No I'm not as proper My money's in copper Ripped down from the brownstones to the street"

--The way he feels in his heart is sacred to him... or "golden", therefore he holds it in. Then he is tempted to act out because he is holding in so much emotion. --It doesn't feel like the right thing to do, but he settles for the feeling... "COPPER" not "gold" (as he referred to his heart before).

"Listen, I'm your friend, don't quote me But not a friend worth noting Yes, please don't ever note me as your friend Who says we have cold hearts? Acting out our old parts Dance before my favorite little scene"

--In the first two lines he is describing friends relying on him, but he doesn't want that pressure....because he is not the same as they used to know him. --"Acting out our old parts" refers to seeing old friends and then going along and acting the same way they used to before they grew apart---kind of "faking" it.

"I get carried away, carried away, from you When I'm open and afraid 'Cause I'm sorry, sorry 'bout that Sorry 'bout things that I've said Always let it get in my way"

--He is feeling manic and "carried away" with the way he's acting. Then he's sorry..because he's shameful and regretting his actions. (Normal reactions from someone who is experiencing extreme emotions). --Then he continues to apologize and admits that he always let's the things he's said get in his way. He is unable to move on because of the guilt he feels from what he has said that he can't take back.

"All your appeal, once again we'd feel Higher education making sense Justify your thesis, certain that you need this Tell me what your point is in defense"

--This is referring to people close to him (either a friendship or relationship) that uses their "higher education" as a way to manipulate the argument. To him, this approach is transparent, and he wants to act out the real feelings, without all of the technical "thesis" statements.

...The next verse is basically talking about how some people close to him are not being genuine or sincere. Don't talk about "money" because it doesn't determine how happy or successful you are in your life or relationships.

"Wake up in the morning, wake up in the evening Wake up when you want to 'Cause no one's really watching Wish you had something to say about it But we all have problems We're all having problems And we all got something to say"

--"Waking up" is referring to living. Live when you want and the way you want because no one is really paying attention. Everyone is too focused on themselves. --Even though we are so self-involved, at the end of the day "we all got something to say"

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