Lyric discussion by saw87 

This song reminds me of the guy I'm in love with. He took my heart.. we ere dating. He said so many sweet words that I thought for one point he was in love with me.. So i opened my heart and that was the biggest mistake. And until now i will never know if what every he said was a true or a "sweet nothing"

So I put my faith in something unknown I'm living on such sweet nothing But I'm tryin' to hope with nothing to hold

I put my faith for the unknown "his feelings" and believed the words they were "sweet nothings" ... I had a hope every time he flirted with me or played with me hoped that it is a true feeling and not just a play...

I couldn't let it go! it was too late "every whisper, ever sigh ate away this heart of mine" and now my h

And it's not enough To tell me that you care When, we both know the words are empty air You give me nothing

he told me that he cared.. every time he saw me but still he played with my feelings .. but they were truly "empty air".. He gave me nothing!

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