Lyric discussion by lukat93 

I could relate this to a psychedelic experience.

"The neon lights go flashing by Electric land is in my eyes"

  • everything looks different, your vision changes

"The underworld is on the move And everybody's got something to prove"

  • besides physical changes, you begin to think differently. you see deeper meaning to everything somebody does or says

  • the next verse is about a taxi driver and a dead body; reality, yet it doesn't seem to touch you in the same way as usually

"A jolt of lightning set's me back a pace Feel like a visitor from outer space Please excuse me if I don't quite understand I'm just a stranger in electric land"

  • he's just a stranger, in a world that until some time ago, he lived in as well. he sees the world in different eyes

"Willing to have a good time You live for the moment the moment is fine You're up in your room the lights are low Before you know it's time for the show"

  • feeling good backstage, yet as long as it lasts, when you're interrupted, it feels like it was too short - time for the show
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