Lyric discussion by countjones 

I think this song is about growing up. In the process of "sowing his wild oats" He learned about what's important in life and what really matters. He experienced what his mother taught him. He knows life because he lived it fully. He's indulged in life's pleasures outside of his home, yet now knows that some of the best pleasures are back there. And over the line means he is sooo anxious to get on the train to go home his foot is already over the line at the station waiting to get on and go back.. Also. When he says "If I should make a part of me" I think he is talking about having a child. And the statement that follows is out of his fear, not because of commitment, but because he understands what his mother was talking, spirituality, family and home.

Good song. My 16 year old son just discovered it and loves it.

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