Lyric discussion by dianaodd 

About innocence / the state of pre-birth, thoughts about what a pre-born mind is thinking. The ocean works to mean a womb, a lot of references to drifting and swimming and shifting between forms--i.e. unfixed identity or state of being. Finally the more concrete unromantic description of the unborn fetus or fertilized egg ('now organs in a glassy globe / and cloudy with potential / muscle mass and vertebrae begin').

A song about life in potential, but also with a dark side as if looking back having been hurt by the world (in romance? 'you never call back'), or in expectation of a cycle repeating where innocence gets destroyed or abused ('cherub in the ashtray', 'you don't look impressed', 'delete me, repeat me')

The idea of trying to return to a state of innocence ('wriggling back to the source') or searching the world's oceans to get back there ('inching up to the pole / only to be lost among the white')--is sad, and the voice of the song seems disembodied and always on the move, I like the way the instrumentation echoes this going between a sort of restless monotonous metronome-type droning like 'ticking' or toiling away at a long task, that feels like searching, and then the release in the chorus puts you in mind of a coral reef with fish scattering away or bubbles rushing up underwater.

I've read this song criticised for the concept failing to come together with the absurd animal imagery, like switching from fish to a lioness and hyenas, a pterodactyl at the end--I don't mind so much as it feels a little like the voice of a child that's speaking in the song, or someone trying to recapture a child's view.

The song for me is about wishfully thinking back on innocence that's gone and can't be recovered, and also I think how we reflect back on ourselves when we were younger, something very sad about the human condition of wanting to rush ahead into the outside world without knowing what's out there and how it's going to change us.

Wow, we'll explained, thank you. I was confused but I thought the song had something to do with trying to figure out who you are. Amazing song, my favourite from the album.

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