Lyric discussion by PinkInk 

This song is so beautiful. I think it's about how he feels. Sometimes he puts on a front like he doesn't care about anything, and sometimes I think people forget that Manson does have feelings. Most people just think he's fearless and has no emotions at all. This song is beautiful because he is really opening up about how he feels. He's talking about himself: how heaven wasn't made for someone like him, how he feels worthless, useless and not good enough and just bad about himself. He feels alone because it seems like everyone is always out to get him and he has no one. I'm not sure what the rest of the song is about, but I think it's talking about society. I think the "she" is actually referring to society and what it has done to him. It planted the seeds in him to be who he is today... (when he was younger he went to a Christian school and he despised it so much and was so afraid that he became obsessed with the antichrist and in his book he explains how that led him to become the antichrist). Society has turned him into a monster.. into a "dying tree." I think it could also be referring to an ex or his mom. His mom "put the seeds" in him by giving birth, or maybe his ex broke up with him and now he's turned into a "dying tree." I think the death part is pretty obvious, it's about how society is killing us all and telling us who to be and basically is killing our souls.

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