Lyric discussion by loderunner 

This is my favorite rock song of all time- and also the reason Don Felder is my favorite Eagle. He was in a place next to the shore in CA when he came up with the 12 string guitar part- hauntingly beautiful- Henly and Glenn wrote most of the lyrics. I've spent 3 hours on looking at all the comments, and checking out what the Eagles said about the song- to read the rest of the comments woud take 3 more hours- so- here's my take-

  • The Eagles will never fully explain the lyrics- I think they like the fact that we'll be debating it until we're deceased. -There are SO many people on this site that think EVERY song is about drug addiction. Some would say "Happy birthday to you" is about getting high on your birthday. -My favorite post that I've read was by Don Frew, on Dec. 8, 2011- He said he was a good friend of Anton LaVey (who published the Satanic Bible in 1969- possible coincidence). The Eagles were friends of him, but none of them were Satanists, according to LeVey. Frew remained a friend of LeVey untill his death in (1997?). Check that post- it's awesome. LeVey had a pretty wife, Diane, who greeted visitors at the door. The corridor into the church had a candleabra- no electricity- again, check the lyrics. Diane drove a Mercades Benz.. She and Anton had a mirror on the ceeling of their bedroom, and they both loved pink champagne. Anton had a greeting room filled with visitors that might make a first time guest uncomfortable. They had a small courtyard, but not big enough to dance. They did do nude dancing outside for some rituals. You could hear a bell from outside, but this guy never knew if it was a mission bell or not. This info is not from me- it's from Don Frew- check his post from Dec 8, 2011. -Next point- The Camarillo State Hospital- (Which was shut down in the late 90s)- a couple (or more) people posted that the Eagles stayed there one night. One said that they served wine until 1969 (posted by amamiata) - this brings up the question- are these coincidences, or were the Eagles writing about one place?

Only the Eagles can answer these questions. I think the THC (The Hotel California) is a coincidence. Yeah, I agree with most of you. I think it's about living a high and dangerous lifestyle. No offense to Joe Walsh, and I love his music, Don Felder was the real start of this awesome song. -BTW- someone on here check out Syncrocity 2 by the Police- noone's posted a comment- but I will. Stay cool, friends! Synchronicity 2, - I messed up OKOKOK- I missed the most important part!- now, when you get the CD-it blocks our the picture- if you have a RECORD of this album, you can see a bald guy in the balcony. Is it Anton LeVey? I've heard it is, but it could be an urban myth. ???????????????

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