Lyric discussion by RevAndroid 

It's about a man and his wife growing apart after the birth of their son, yes, but nobody has mentioned the man's accusations of his friend, Harry, whom he drinks with, yet.

He has caught his wife on the phone, supposedly with another man. "Harry, it's really rough at home / I've caught her on the phone / Hey, who's that on the phone? / 'Oh, that's no one dear'" and then in the next verse, the man says to Harry, "Hey, you ain't been drinking / Don't you know I'm buying?" Harry isn't drinking because he's anxious about being around the man whose wife he's cheating on.

Later, when asking Harry to drive him home after a night of drinking, the man says to Harry, "Harry, I know it's you who's breaking up my home / Harry, don't say a word, just drop me off at home / Harry, forgive me Harry, let's have just one more" Meaning, he has figured out that his wife is cheating on him with his friend, Harry, but then the man realizes that he's probably wrong and drunk and takes it back, so as to save their friendship and also because being in denial of this affair could keep him feeling less horrible about himself and his life than he could be if he just accepted it.

TLDR: A man and his wife are no longer romantic after having a child; man becomes alcoholic and drinks with his friend, Harry; Harry is secretly having an affair with the man's wife

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