Lyric discussion by jugularnotch 

I think the choice of demons is brilliant. They started out as loyal angels, servants of God, but they were turned by, of all things, the appeal of humanity. Of course, in the song the narrator is just a person whose optimism and hope for the world has been run under by the crappiness of people in general. But when he says "I am not simply strong. I may very well be the strongest man that ever lived", it just kicks me in the heart. It'd be too easy for a cynic to say that if the worst you have to deal with is stupid idiots, you've got it posh. The fact of the matter is, the world's just fine. The people living in it are responsible for both nearly all the problems with it and a good chunk of what goes right in it, too. We need each other so much, even when it's tempting to draw away and hide.

Good luck everybody!

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